Training in The Way begins early at Kombat Principle. Even our youngest Warrior Tots, at 3 years old, have the ability to learn defensive and combat basics, and develop their self-confidence, listening, spatial awareness, and teamwork skills, and our Wai Muay Kali Juniors build on these strong foundations.
If you’re new to the world of martial arts, and wondering if this is the class for you and your child, here are a few answers to some questions we’ve had about our children’s sessions.
What happens at a typical Warrior Tots session?
There’s a warm up run around the training mat with the other Tots, and then after paying respects to the training ground, they line up in their “guard stances” to begin. Training is split into two parts.
Part 1: Master Karl introduces the moves they’ll be focusing on, and each Tot gets the chance to show what they can do. Then, depending on the experience and skill level of the group, Master Karl asks each of them to put together their own combination of moves, and perform them. All the other Tots are asked to pay attention throughout, and applaud when their classmates succeed.
Part 2: The Tots are split into two equal teams, team leaders are appointed, and they race two at a time – usually beginning with a jumping forward roll, followed by a simple combo, and a run to the line. Next is a game with different pieces of martial arts equipment placed around the mat, and both teams running to each piece as Master Karl shouts it out. Team leaders are encouraged to bring all of their team members along with them, and help anyone up if they fall down.
Then the session finishes with a photo lineup.
As well as laying the foundations for martial arts combat, the whole Tots session is strongly focussed on developing listening, watching, and learning skills; recognising everyone’s contributions and successes; the importance of teamwork and leadership; and spatial awareness.
Is there any contact fighting at Warrior Tots?
The Tots learn basic combat moves, including jab and cross punches, roundhouse kicks, and the standard defensive stance. Master Karl instructs them, and they only practise them while wearing gloves, and aiming into a pad held by him – they never practise against each other.
What should Warrior Tots wear?
We don’t ask the Tots to wear uniforms, so comfortable trousers / leggings and t-shirts are fine. Training is all done in bare feet, on the mat.
Do I need to block-book several weeks of classes?
No. Come when you can, and pay as you train. There’s a lot of benefit to attending regularly, though, as many of the moves and combinations are taught in a sequence, and the Tots build up their knowledge gradually.
Wai Muay Kali Juniors Class
At age 6, and when they have developed the right level of listening skill, self-control and discipline, Warrior Tots can graduate into the Wai Muay Kali Juniors class (for ages 6-13).
Who comes to the Juniors class?
This is a mixed-ability class, with our students currently ranging from beginners to Yellow Belts. The class is led by Master Karl, with help from his assistant coaches.
What happens in a typical class?
Juniors practise against each other, matched by ability and size, aiming into pads, and wearing gloves as appropriate. They practise specific combat moves against each other, in pairs matched by ability and height, learning new combinations, drill work and combat with sticks.
They learn by listening, watching and then doing, and like the Warrior Tots, applaud their classmates’ achievements. Master Karl instructs them in the principles of what they’re learning, as well as their practical application, and includes gems of knowledge from martial arts’ rich history – such as why a black belt is black.
What do they wear?
Beginners wear comfortable clothes that allow them to move freely. When they’ve demonstrated commitment to regular training, and they are keen to move onto the next stage, they can purchase the class uniform (link to our recommended supplier here: ). All students train barefoot.
How often are students graded?
Master Karl only enters students for grading when he believes they are read to succeed. Frequency depends on the class of students, but is usually between every six months to a year.
We hope to see you very soon at one of our sessions. For more information, have a look at our Classes page, or contact us here: